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  • This paper introduces a new generative model that overcomes the difficulties faced by older models like Deep Belief Networks, Variational Autoencoders, etc.


  • Multilayer Perceptron Networks: A multilayer perceptron is a class of feedforward artificial neural network.
  • Backpropagation: Backpropagation is a method used in artificial neural networks to calculate a gradient that is needed in the calculation of the weights to be used in the network.


  • This paper proposes the idea of adversarial training, in which the generative network competes with the discriminative network, which leads to both the networks becoming more efficient in their tasks.
  • The generative network tries to learn a data distribution, and the discriminative network tries to classify between samples from original data and the generative network.


  • Two multilayer perceptron networks are used as Generator and Discriminator.
  • The generator takes in noise z and gives as output a sample x=G(z).
  • Discriminator takes in sample x and gives as output a probability D(x).
  • D(x) represents whether sample x came from the generator or original data.
  • Generator tries to maximize the probability of Discriminator making a mistake.
  • Discriminator tries to maximize the probability of assigning correct labels to the samples.
  • Only backpropagation is used for obtaining gradients.
  • After several iterations, the distribution of generated samples will overlap the distribution of original data.
  • At this point, the discriminator fails to classify, giving output D(x)=1/2.


  • The networks were trained on datasets like MNIST, the Toronto Face Database, and CIFAR-10.
  • The authors believe that the results obtained are at least competitive with other models in the literature.

Areas of Application

  • Interactive Image Generation
  • Text to Image Generation
  • Image Editing
  • Domain Transfer

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